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roof repairHomeowners generally have a to-do list that is a mile long. Some items on that list can wait, while others clearly cannot. For example, any damage to the roofing of a house should be fixed immediately. The longer it is left untreated, the worse the problem will get. The roof’s job is to protect the home’s inhabitants against the elements. So, let’s take a look at a few common causes of roof repair.

Roofing Problems

Shingles: These are the roof’s outer layer, so it makes sense that they would take some hits over time. It is usual for them to get damaged or wear out after a while. The good news is that damaged or missing shingles are easy to spot. It does not matter how many shingles are damaged or missing; it is essential to call about a roof repair as soon as possible. The shingles are the roof’s first line of defense against the elements. If the house’s outer armor is damaged, it needs to be fixed immediately, or the inside of the house could be left open to the elements. No one wants that.

Flashing: This is the plastic or metal material that roofers use to keep water away from specific parts of a roof. If these pieces start to pull away from the roof, it could allow water to flow right inside the house. Damaged flashing is usually caused by wind damage. Quick note: if the flashing is damaged, the roof will likely have some damage, too.

Membranes: Flat roofs will have a membrane. It is a layer of rubber that funnels water off the roof to keep it from leaking into the building. Signs of a leaking membrane could be water stains on the ceiling from the water that has found its way inside.

Plants: Nature has a way of taking over if given a chance. Any plants growing on the roof (or on the side of the house) should be removed. Plants can cause all kinds of damage to homes. It is best if they are removed as soon as possible with roof repair.

Repair ASAP

All of these issues will eventually lead to leaking and roof damage. Therefore, it is vital to get the roof inspected and roof repaired when a problem is spotted. This quick action will save the roof from further damage, and it will save the homeowner money, time, and frustration.

Odyssey Contracting

Have you spotted a problem with your roofing? Odyssey Contracting can help with your roof repair. Our expert roof installers can replace a leaking roof in no time. Contact us at 919-916-5640 and schedule a roof inspection today. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for our latest deals and specials & events!