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roof repair Every home may require modest roof repair occasionally. Most homeowners realize how vital it is to have a robust, reliable, and attractive roof overhead once they are responsible for a home and all of its valuables. Like every other central household system (HVAC, ductwork, insulation, flooring, etc.), roofs wear down over time and require regular maintenance. Doing roof repairs promptly will extend its lifespan.

Guidelines for Roof Repairs & Replacement

Roofing Material

The roofing material makes a big difference when evaluating maintenance, repairs, and life expectancy. Tile, slate, and metal roofs have very long lifespans (35-100 years). This article will focus on the most common type of roofing material in the USA, asphalt shingles.

When to Replace

When the roof has reached the end of its useful life or has become too costly to maintain, it will be time to install a new replacement roofing system. So how will you determine whether you should fix, repair, or replace your roof?

Watch Out for These Warning Signs

Here are the signs that a roof replacement is required:

Age: The roof’s age is the number one criterion when deciding if it needs to be replaced. Is the roof 20+ years old? If so, replace it. Repairs at this point will only be temporary as more problems will spring up.

Problems with Shingles: Look for shingles that are curled at the edges, discolored, or cracked. Are there any missing shingles? During the wet season, is there a noticeable amount of shingle grains in the gutters?

Sagging Roof: Check outside and inside (possibly from in the attic). If you see any bowing or sagging, the roof is failing, perhaps due to leaking water.

Moss or Algae: Is the roof being overtaken by moss or algae? Moss and algae appear when moisture is present for an extended time.

Water Leakage: Is there any discoloration on the ceilings inside the house? These stains are a sign of water sitting on the ceiling material, usually due to a leaking roof. A roof leak is a formula for disaster. When your roof leaks, it can cause a cascade of issues outside and inside your home.

Low-Cost Patches or Repairs

Were the loose shingles blown away by recent strong winds or a storm? Is the leak minimal and straightforward to repair? In these instances, repairs may be in order. In general, repair the roof if,

  • The damage isn’t substantial
  • There isn’t any structural damage
  • No significant shingle problems
  • The problem is limited to one section of the roof
  • The remainder of the roof is in good shape

If in doubt, have a roof inspector evaluate the situation. Minor issues can sometimes be the ‘tip of the iceberg’ indicator of more significant issues.

Odyssey Contracting

When it comes time for roof repairs or replacement, Odyssey Contracting can help. Our roofing experts can assess the situation and execute the remedy quickly. So, give us a call at 919-916-5640 and see what we can do for you. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for our latest deals and specials & events!