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RemodelingAre you worried about how to care for your pet while your house is getting remodeled? Remodeling can be challenging for everyone, including your pet. In addition, the noise of the job site paired with having strangers come and go can easily set them on edge and make them feel uncomfortable.

Today, we’re going to talk about a few ways you can help care for your pet during the remodeling process to ensure they feel comfortable and healthy the whole time.

Keep Your Pet in a Safe Spot

With all that construction equipment and potentially hazardous materials being brought into your home, you must keep your pet away from the workspace. Find an area of your home that is quiet and not being remodeled, and make sure your pet can’t leave the room independently.

The goal is to make sure your pet does not get hurt by hazardous objects while also ensuring the safety of the workers by keeping distractions out of their way. A safe spot inside the house will also help your pet feel safe and comfortable during the remodel.

Introduce the Workers to Your Pets

With so many strangers coming and going inside your home, your pet could quickly become agitated and territorial. To avoid this, you should introduce your pet to the workers regularly working inside your home. By doing this, your pet can come to feel more comfortable around them. As a result, they will act less territorial, which means less hassle for you and the workers.

Maintain Normal Routines

Because pets are creatures of habit, they thrive on routine. Unfortunately, having a portion of your home remodeled can throw off the routine, which can cause discomfort and behavioral issues. To remedy this, you should try to stick to your regular routines as much as possible. Following your normal routine may require adapting, as a home remodel job can get in the way. However, by doing this, you’ll help your pet to feel normal and safe instead of agitated and uncomfortable.

Odyssey Contracting

If you follow the tips we’ve outlined above, you’ll be able to provide the best care for your pets while your home is being remodeled. At Odyssey Contracting, we care about our clients, which includes their pets. Contact us at our website for high-quality remodeling and roofing in Garner, NC. We’ll be happy to help. Call us at 919-916-5640. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for our latest deals and specials & events!