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Roof ReplacementRoofs are pretty durable for a good reason – they protect the entire house. Still, over many years, as age and weather take their toll, roofs get damaged. If the damage reduces that protection, it may be time to consider roof replacement. When it comes to knowing the signs of roof replacement, these tips from a Garner roofing contractor can save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

Garner Roofing Contractor Tips: Signs You Need A Roof Replacement

Curling Shingles

If the tabs or edges of shingles are curled, replacement is recommended. The curling creates space where water can leak into the home, causing damage and creating an environment for mold and mildew.

Bald Spots

If the granules on shingles are missing or worn spots this creates bald spots – potential leak points.

Cracked or Creased Shingles

Creased shingles may be a sign that there is damage beneath the shingle. These shingles have to be replaced.

Age of Roof

Most roofs last 20-30 years. Generally, roofs that are over twenty years old may need to be replaced. If there is any question about the condition of the roof, have it inspected by a professional.

Neighborhood Roofs

If you notice your surrounding neighbors are getting new roofs, that’s a good indication that your home’s roof is probably at the end of its life and needs replacing. Neighborhood homes tend to be built around the same time, so the roofs usually all wear out at around the same time, too. If unsure of the age and integrity of your roof, schedule a reputable roof inspector to take a look. They can tell you the present condition of the roof and approximately when it will need a roof replacement.

Discolored Areas

Dark streaks are another troubling sign. Those streaks are algae growing on the roof. Algae and mold thrive in moist areas. Allowing these to grow and spread will further deteriorate the shingles and underlying layers. Besides that, it makes for an unsightly appearance, and Homeowner’s Associations hate unsightly home appearances.


If moss is growing on the roof, it is a sign that the roof is retaining moisture because it is damaged or too shaded. Constant moisture will eventually cause leaks, so the situation has to be rectified. Cleaning the roof and cutting back shade trees can resolve the situation for a while, but have the roof inspected if this is an ongoing problem.

Storm or Hail

Contact a professional roof inspector immediately if extensive roof damage is suspected due to hail or a severe storm. Don’t wait for signs of water leaks inside the house.

Odyssey Contracting

Roof replacement is expensive, to be sure. But, if the problem isn’t handled promptly, especially before rainy and cold seasons, the damage can quickly worsen and affect more of the home. That will make the costs increase significantly. So, if the roof needs to be replaced, consult a roofing expert like Odyssey Contracting, a Garner roofing contractor. They will recommend a solution that will help keep your home safe and secure. Call us today at 919-916-5640. Don’t forget to follow us on social media for our latest deals and specials & events!